Digging Up the Past: A Look at “People of the River” by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear

Hey everyone, thanks for your patience! I had a bit of a dental emergency recently and couldn’t post, but I’m all back and excited to dive into the world of books with you again.

Have you ever felt a deep connection to the natural world or a pang of sadness for what has been lost? In “People of the River” by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear, this melancholic sentiment is intricately woven into the story, hinting at a bygone era of harmony between humans and the environment. However, this novel isn’t just a tale of environmentalism. “People of the River” explores the fascinating world of the Mound Builders, an ancient civilization that thrived in what is now Illinois around 1300 AD. The Gears take us on a journey filled with airfare, spiritual exploration, and the struggles of vanished people.

“People of the River” – W.Michael Gear & Kathleen O’Neal Gear

A Civilization on the Brink: Summary of “People of the River”

The novel “People of the River” takes us to Cahokia, a once-thriving city at the center of a trade network. Now, under the rule of the tyrannical Great Chief Theron, the land suffers from a devastating drought. Theron, obsessed with maintaining power, demands more and more tribute from the surrounding villages, pushing them to the brink of starvation.

Leading Theron’s forces is Badgertail, a conflicted warrior who struggles with the brutality he inflicts on his own people. Meanwhile, Nightshade senses a deeper spiritual crisis. She is a priestess captured by Theron’s father years ago. The first woman, a powerful deity, has closed off the realm of dreams, cutting off communication with the spirit world and leaving the people with no hope for rain or salvation.

Adding to the desperation, a young girl named Lichen is being trained to become a new priestess. Unlike Nightsade, Lichen is taught to completely surrender her individuality, a path that fills Nightshade with dread. Lichen’s journey will eventually lead her to the well of the ancestors, a gateway to the underworld.

The story culminates in a dramatic showdown. Theron meets his demise, and a glimmer of hope emerges for the survivors.

The People of Cahokia: A Cast of Compelling Characters

Spiritual Leaders

  • Nightshade: The protagonist is a gifted dreamer ostracized for her origins. Kidnapped as a child, she possesses a powerful connection to the Turtle Bundle, a sacred object essential for communication with the spirit world.
  • Lichen:  A young girl chosen to become the next dreamer. Unlike Nightshade, she is trained to surrender her individuality, a cause of concern for the more experienced priestess.
  • Wanderer: A shaman ostracized for his unusual connection to the spirits of animals. He guides both Nightshade and Lichen on their spiritual journeys.
  • Meadow Vole: Lichen’s mother and the keeper of the Stone Wolf, another sacred object. Fearful of dreaming, she becomes a key figure in the struggle to restore balance.

Warriors and Rulers

  • Badgertail: A conflicted warrior burdened by duty. Forced to commit acts of violence against his own people under the command of the turannical Great Chief.
  • Tharon: The ruthless Great Chief f Cahokia, consumed by a lust for power. His actions have plunged the land into chaos and famine.
  • Orenda: Tharon’s daughter, a victim of his abuse who finds refuge in escape.

Spiritual Figures

  • Birdman (Raven Hunter): A central figure in Cahokian mythology, representing the harsh realities of the world. He believed humanity’s presence on Earth was destrictive
  • Worlfslayer (Wolf Dreamer): Birdman’s counterpart, credited with leading humans into the world. Unlike his brother, he is seen as less significant.

Sacred Objects

  • The River Turtle Bindle: A ley element in dream rituals, tied to the dreamer and essential for communication with the spirit world. It contains various symbolic objects, including a turtle shell and a turquoise pendant.

Lost in the Dreamscape? A Thematic Voyage Through “People of the River”

Harmony with Nature

In the fading glory of Cahokia, a once-thriving city of mound builders, a shroud of despair has settled. A devastating drought cripples the land, mirroring its connection to the spirit world. The first Woman, the ruler of dreams, has shut her doors, leaving the people adrift in a barren dreamscape. This broken harmony between humanity and nature underscores a central theme: The importance of maintaining balance

Tradition vs. Individuality

The path to restoring balance is fraught with challenges. The training of the next dreamer, Lichen, exemplifies the conflict between tradition and individual identity. Unlike her ostracized predecessor, Nightshade, Lichen is expected to surrender her individuality, a stark contrast to Nightshade’s fierce independence. This clash highlights the need to find a middle ground—where one can connect to a legacy while retaining their own voice. 

Progress vs. Preservation

Meanwhile, the tyrannical rule of Great Chief Tharon embodies the destructive potential of unchecked power. His greed and brutality have plunged Cahokia into chaos, mirroring the internal struggle between progress and preservation. The contrasting myths of Birdman and Wolfslayer—one representing creation, the other destruction—further emphasize this theme. Can humanity find a way to advance without destroying the very world it inhabits?

As the story unfolds, the characters—Nightshade, Lichen, and Badgertail, each grappling with their own internal conflicts—will converge in a fight to restore balance. They must mend the broken connection to the spirit world, defy the encroaching darkness, and ultimately decide what kind of future Cahokia will have.

Should You Read It?

“People of the River” by W. Michael Gear and Kathleen O’Neal Gear is more than just a captivating story. It’s a portal into a lost civilization, a mediation on the delicate balance between humanity and nature, and a testament to the enduring power of the human spirit. The novel’s blend of exciting adventures, fierce battles, and thought-provoking challenges left me wanting more.

If you haven’t already, I highly recommend checking out my previous blog post in the earlier books in this North America’s Forgotten Past series. Each novel offers a glimpse into a different chapter of the American Forgotten Past, enriching your understanding of this fascinating civilization.

For those who share my passion for learning about Native American history and cultures, this series is a treasure trove of information woven into a captivating narrative. So, delve into the world of Cahokia, and discover the stories waiting to be unearthed.

“People of the Wolf”

“People of the Fire”